Large-format LED screens are a vital part of the Digital Out of Home landscape

They offer a flexible, digital platform to bring brands to life and connect advertisers with consumers in the ideal mind-set to purchase.

There are a number of options open to venues wishing to install an LED screen and many of ADI’s clients have chosen the model of screen ownership.

Screen Ownership

Screen ownership provides a compelling case for long-term financial benefit and places retail venues and their owners in a strong commercial position where media agreements and advertising revenues are concerned. While screen hardware costs are not insignificant, the benefits enjoyed by clients when they specify and purchase their own LED media screen are wide-reaching. Many have recouped the cost of their screen within a 12-18 month period.

Adding an extra revenue stream

Selling the advertising space on your Shopping Centre LED Screen can be a great revenue stream. LED Screens have the potential to display multiple adverts allowing you to sell a partial share and still retain the device for your own campaigns. Large Format Feature Screens in shopping centres are high traffic areas and draw a lot of eyes this means premium pricing for the advertising space.

Acquiring more tenants

If your potential tenants are choosing between multiple shopping centres a Large Format LED Screen in your centre could make the difference. On top of the image it presents, the ability to potential market your shop in the centre it is located provides a great opportunity. Adding a free short term share of the display may also be used to get potential tenants over the line

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